过程工程学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (7): 786-793.DOI: 10.12034/j.issn.1009-606X.220206
鲁进利 1280350428@qq.com;lujinli@sina.cn
吴丽(1994-),女,安徽省安庆市人,硕士研究生,供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程专业,E-mail: 1280350428@qq.com基金资助:
Li WU1(), Jie HE1, Jinli LU1(
), Yafang HAN1, Ze HONG2
Jinli LU 1280350428@qq.com;lujinli@sina.cn
将相变储能技术应用于电热水器,并通过添加石墨纳米颗粒改善相变材料的导热特性,对其储能过程进行调节,可以起到“移峰填谷”的作用。建立了四种不同结构的电热水器三维模型,模拟了电热水器内部速度场与温度场分布特性。考察了进出口水管结构、电加热管布置方式、保温层结构等因素对热水器内部流场及传热特性的影响,研究了不同储能层厚度对电热水器储能的影响。结果表明,水平加热管与垂直加热管相比,加热过程中加热效率提高了2.2%;进水管管径增大1.5倍,热水输出率提升了17.9%;加入相变材料可在相同保温时间内(36 h)使水温最大提高10.6%。
吴丽, 何杰, 鲁进利, 韩亚芳, 洪泽. 电热水器内部结构优化及储能特性研究[J]. 过程工程学报, 2021, 21(7): 786-793.
Li WU, Jie HE, Jinli LU, Yafang HAN, Ze HONG. Research on internal structure optimization and energy storage characteristics of electric water heater[J]. The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering, 2021, 21(7): 786-793.
Case | Structure |
1 | Vertical heating tube+normal inlet pipe diameter |
2 | Horizontal heating tube+normal inlet pipe diameter |
3 | Vertical heating tube+1.5 times diameter of the inlet pipe |
4 | Horizontal heating tube+1.5 times diameter of the inlet pipe |
表1 不同结构电热水器
Table 1 Different structure electric water heaters
Case | Structure |
1 | Vertical heating tube+normal inlet pipe diameter |
2 | Horizontal heating tube+normal inlet pipe diameter |
3 | Vertical heating tube+1.5 times diameter of the inlet pipe |
4 | Horizontal heating tube+1.5 times diameter of the inlet pipe |
Material | Phase change temperature/℃ | Latent heat/(kJ/kg) | Specific heat/ [J/(kg·K)] | Heat conductivity coefficient/[W/(m·K)] | Density/(kg/m3) |
Polyurethane | - | - | 1380 | 0.024 | 40 |
Paraffine | 51~57 | 170 | 2100 | 0.25 | 760 |
Paraffine+10wt% Graphite[ | 48~50 | 158.5 | 2235 | 0.94 | 877.5 |
表2 保温材料的物性参数
Table 2 Physical properties of thermal insulation materials
Material | Phase change temperature/℃ | Latent heat/(kJ/kg) | Specific heat/ [J/(kg·K)] | Heat conductivity coefficient/[W/(m·K)] | Density/(kg/m3) |
Polyurethane | - | - | 1380 | 0.024 | 40 |
Paraffine | 51~57 | 170 | 2100 | 0.25 | 760 |
Paraffine+10wt% Graphite[ | 48~50 | 158.5 | 2235 | 0.94 | 877.5 |
Parameter | Case 1 | Case 2 | Case 3 | Case 4 |
Maximum temperature/℃ | 68.72 | 68.56 | 68.86 | 68.28 |
Minimum temperature/℃ | 48.02 | 47.99 | 48.47 | 48.45 |
Time/s | 370 | 390 | 430 | 460 |
Water quality/kg | 30.25 | 31.89 | 35.16 | 37.62 |
Water temperature/℃ | 63.53 | 63.49 | 63.82 | 63.50 |
Shutdown temperature/℃ | 63.27 | 63.35 | 63.27 | 63.35 |
Hot water output rate/% | 62.00 | 65.20 | 72.48 | 76.90 |
表3 不同方案热水输出率
Table 3 The hot water output rate under different schemes
Parameter | Case 1 | Case 2 | Case 3 | Case 4 |
Maximum temperature/℃ | 68.72 | 68.56 | 68.86 | 68.28 |
Minimum temperature/℃ | 48.02 | 47.99 | 48.47 | 48.45 |
Time/s | 370 | 390 | 430 | 460 |
Water quality/kg | 30.25 | 31.89 | 35.16 | 37.62 |
Water temperature/℃ | 63.53 | 63.49 | 63.82 | 63.50 |
Shutdown temperature/℃ | 63.27 | 63.35 | 63.27 | 63.35 |
Hot water output rate/% | 62.00 | 65.20 | 72.48 | 76.90 |
图10 不同相变层厚度对保温过程中热水器平均水温的影响
Fig.10 The influence of different thicknesses of PCM on the average water temperature of electric water heater during heat preservation process
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