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›› 2006, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (2): 255-260.

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Bioorganic Municipal Waste Management to Deploy a Sustainable Solid Waste Disposal Practice in China

Bernhard Raninger,Werner Bidlingmaier,LI Run-dong,FENG Lei   

  1. Inst. Clean Energy & Environ. Eng. (ICEEE), Hangkong University
  • Online:2006-04-20 Published:2006-04-20

Bioorganic Municipal Waste Management to Deploy a Sustainable Solid Waste Disposal Practice in China

Bernhard Raninger,Werner Bidlingmaier,李润东,冯磊   

  1. 沈阳航空工业学院 清洁能源与环境工程研究所

Abstract: The utilization of bioorganic municipal waste (BMW) is considered essentially for the further development of integrated waste management practice in China. Awareness and knowledge about the importance of BMW management and source separation of waste on household level, as a precondition for the implementation of an economically feasible integrated waste management infrastructure, were developed in Europe during the last decade. The Sino-German RRU-BMW Project is facilitating applied research investigations in 4 pilot areas in Shenyang to assess the population's behavior to develop the design criteria for appropriate process technologies and to provide the basis to adopt BMW management policy in China.

Key words: bioorganic municipal waste, bioorganic municipal waste management, sustainable development, primary source separation, clean compost, biogas

摘要: The utilization of bioorganic municipal waste (BMW) is considered essentially for the further development of integrated waste management practice in China. Awareness and knowledge about the importance of BMW management and source separation of waste on household level, as a precondition for the implementation of an economically feasible integrated waste management infrastructure, were developed in Europe during the last decade. The Sino-German RRU-BMW Project is facilitating applied research investigations in 4 pilot areas in Shenyang to assess the population's behavior to develop the design criteria for appropriate process technologies and to provide the basis to adopt BMW management policy in China.

关键词: bioorganic municipal waste, bioorganic municipal waste management, sustainable development, primary source separation, clean compost, biogas